Additional pictures for “E-cop prison”

Additional pictures for “E-cop prison”

Hi everybody ! We are happy to show you some screenshot of the E-Cop prison. Charles is almost done with the interior of the prison émoticône smile It’s a giant labyrinth with many chambers and halls, filled with cameras, lasers, movement detection floors...
A glimpse of stealth

A glimpse of stealth

A new game mode is incoming in Hover: Revolt of Gamers. Charles is currently working of the first “special stage”: the E-Cop Prison. You will soon find out that more and more people are missing in Hover City. The Administration seems to get more repressive than ever....
« Hover: Revolt of Gamers » is Greenlit !

« Hover: Revolt of Gamers » is Greenlit !

Nous avons posté Hover: Revolt of Gamer sur Steam Greenlight il y a quelques jours (le 23 janvier 2014 pour être exact) et le jeu a déjà atteint le rang de 50% en seulement 4 jours ! Il rencontre également un grand succès via les commentaires et 57% des internautes...